The beginner's guide to Airbnb amenities

There’s a lot to consider when you first list your Airbnb online, and amenities are one of those no-brainers that you need to supply. However, when talking about amenities, it’s not as simple as a checklist. Depending on who you want to stay, and your budget, you may want to ‘wow’ your guests. Therefore, I have created 3 profiles for different Airbnb Property Managers and included a list of amenities based on the experience they want to offer guests.
Basic Brenda:
Basic Branda just wants to know the basic amenities that everyAirbnb host should supply to guests. Whether she is just starting out ordoesn’t feel the need to invest extra time and money in her rental, she ishappy with standard amenities:
Kitchen cutlery,tableware, handtowels and washing up equipment
Basic kitchen ingredients
Salt, pepper, sugar, oil.
Oven, toaster, and jug
I mean it would be surprising if you didn’t own these.
Toilet paper
How much depends on the number of guests, but it’s always niceto be fully stocked, so guests don’t have to run out and get more.
Hand and body soap
This doesn’t need to be anything expensive. For hand soapconsider liquid soap as it is more hygienic and less expensive.
Basic toiletries
Shampoo, conditioner, you get the drill.
One towel per guest
Or two, depending on the stay, but one towel is fine for acouple of days.
One pillow per guest,bedding, linen, and additional blankets
You may not consider this as essential within your own home, butbelieve me, most people consider this a day-to-day essential. Therefore, youcould be missing out on a whole market of people if this is excluded from yourlist.
Nice-touch Nellie:
Nice-touch Nellie wants to go above and beyond expectations. Sheis someone who may not have the biggest budget, but she wants her guests tohave the best possible visit. These added amenities are also a sure-fire way toget great reviews because they make the user’s experience more enjoyable andare relatively inexpensive too.
A house manual
This would include details about how to use things within thehouse, the wifi username and password, how to use the TV and access Netflix,your mobile number and emergency contact details, and if you want to be extranice you could also put a map of the area, list of good places to eat andthings to do.
Coffee, tea and basicsnacks like biscuits
Although not essential, most people will expect these.
First aid-kit
It is important to be prepared because accidents do happen.
A laptop-friendly workspace
This is especially important for business travellers, althoughsome vacationers may also like to use their laptops daily.
A guest book
Where guests can share their experiences and leave favourablereviews.
A heater/fan
A universal adapter
So foreigners can charge their phones if they have forgotten topurchase one themselves.
A hairdryer and/or straightener/curler
Depending on the person, these can be essential day-to-day items.
This item is very important to include if your property catersto mainly business clients.
Coat hanger/hangers
Smoke alarm and fireextinguisher
You always want to ensure your guests are safe, and so this isone way of doing so.
A welcome gift uponarrival
This can be as simple as a little chocolate on each pillow orflowers in a vase. There’s no need to spend lots of money.
Toys and games
You could add some of your kids' old toys and games to create afamily-friendly experience that everyone, big and small, will appreciate.
Luxurious Luke
Luxurious Luke isn’t on a budget, and he isn’t afraid to showoff a little. Depending on your place you may already own some of these or youmay want to invest in a couple to make your user experience have thewow-factor. With these kinds of amenities, the challenge is for guests not togive you a 5-star rating!
Most people own Netflix and almost everybody uses it on adaily-weekly basis, so this is a nice touch.
A swimming pool
If you own one already then this will no doubt appeal tofamilies and visitors from near and far.
Luxury toiletries
Expensive towels and bedlinen
Beautiful furniture
Free parking
Many people would appreciate not having to pay for parking and alsobeing able to park nearby
A welcome basket full ofgoodies
If you want to treat your guests like royalty then you couldsplash out on some bubbles and chocolate.
Fresh flowers
If you take trips to your residence between guests, and havelovely flowers growing in your garden, then why not pick some for some added pizazz.
Books and magazines
Air conditioning
Depending on your house, air conditioning may be ideal to ensureguests have a pleasurable stay.
Washer & dryer
People always appreciate clean and dry clothes and these appliances are something most people already own.
In conclusion, this is just a rough idea of what amenities mustbe stocked and what could be stocked. However, there are infinite ways toensure guests have the best possible stay. Depending on your budget and purposefor renting out your Airbnb, you may want to go above and beyond theseessentials, or you may stick to this checklist. However, it would be worthwhileto exceed guest's expectations, as this can lead to increased searches,bookings, better reviews, and all-round customer satisfaction. If you areworried about adding extra amenities in case guests steal or damage them, thenyou can always ask for a safeguard such as grabbing guests driver’s licensedetails or having a fee that will be returned once you ensure no damages haveoccurred. Whatever way you want to stock your Airbnb is up to you, but rememberthe benefits of providing additional amenities next time you are out shoppingfor Airbnb supplies.
Written by Lauren Middleton