Our Services

Auckland’s Premier Airbnb Short-Term Rental Management Service

Experience more freedom and higher returns

Just like the hundreds of property investors we’ve helped over the years. Having generated over $20M in reservation income for our clients, we know what it takes to make your short-term rental journey a success.

Once you hand your keys to Zodiak and put us in the driving seat, we will onboard your property and go live for bookings in 7 working days or less.

We’re so confident we will get you results that we guarantee you will receive your first booking within a week of going live or we’ll book it ourselves!

Sit back, relax and enjoy the extra income with the new way to invest.

We generate 30-50% more than regular long-term rental after all fees. We work hard to secure you the highest nightly rates possible to maximise your investment.

Auckland’s Premier Airbnb Short-Term Rental Management Service

5 Star Experience for Your Guests

<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M10.1227 9.40601H4.49016C3.99238 9.40601 3.51499 9.60375 3.16301 9.95573C2.81102 10.3077 2.61328 10.7851 2.61328 11.2829V20.6701C2.61328 21.7069 3.45328 22.5469 4.49016 22.5469H10.1227C10.6204 22.5469 11.0978 22.3492 11.4498 21.9972C11.8018 21.6452 11.9995 21.1678 11.9995 20.6701V11.2829C11.9995 10.7851 11.8018 10.3077 11.4498 9.95573C11.0978 9.60375 10.6204 9.40601 10.1227 9.40601Z" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M5.21773 6.59058H9.39523C9.49085 6.59033 9.58558 6.60894 9.674 6.64533C9.76242 6.68172 9.84279 6.73518 9.91054 6.80266C9.97828 6.87014 10.0321 6.95031 10.0688 7.03859C10.1055 7.12687 10.1245 7.22153 10.1246 7.31714V9.40589H4.49023V7.31714C4.49048 7.12436 4.56724 6.93956 4.70365 6.80333C4.84005 6.6671 5.02495 6.59058 5.21773 6.59058Z" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M13.8746 3.33L13.4555 2.49094C13.3 2.17922 13.0606 1.917 12.7644 1.73369C12.4682 1.55038 12.1267 1.45322 11.7783 1.45312H3.55176" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M7.30664 1.45312V6.59062" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Restocking High Quality NZ Products

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For our amenities providers, we only use eco-friendly NZ brands which guests will love. We also supply the linen and towels for your property so you don’t have to worry about stocking up on sheets or about what happens if there is a stain. 

<svg width="23" height="23" viewBox="0 0 23 23" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M13.7287 8.06741V3.25337C13.7287 2.39775 13.0351 1.7041 12.1795 1.7041H4.87154C4.0159 1.7041 3.32227 2.39775 3.32227 3.25337V21.2953" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.6123 21.2959H9.19218" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M3.32227 5.68335H7.0752" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M3.32227 9.59229H9.1919" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M16.8089 16.1253C18.2836 16.1253 19.479 14.9298 19.479 13.4551C19.479 11.9804 18.2836 10.7849 16.8089 10.7849C15.3342 10.7849 14.1387 11.9804 14.1387 13.4551C14.1387 14.9298 15.3342 16.1253 16.8089 16.1253Z" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M12.2305 21.2954C12.2386 20.5146 12.4431 19.7487 12.825 19.069C13.6298 17.6369 15.1755 16.7275 16.8097 16.7239C18.4438 16.7275 19.9895 17.6369 20.7943 19.069C21.1762 19.7487 21.3807 20.5146 21.3888 21.2954" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Multiple Check-in Options

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Guests can check-in 24/7 using one of our self check-in methods, meaning your property is Business Ready which increases demand for your listing. Guests can also choose a personal concierge check-in if they prefer a more personalised experience.

<svg width="22" height="22" viewBox="0 0 22 22" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M11.7379 19.8503C12.4943 20.3374 13.3947 20.5509 14.2893 20.4553C15.1839 20.3598 16.0189 19.9608 16.6553 19.325L17.2098 18.7706C17.4558 18.5219 17.5937 18.1863 17.5937 17.8367C17.5937 17.4869 17.4558 17.1513 17.2098 16.9028L14.8751 14.5827C14.629 14.3376 14.2959 14.2 13.9486 14.2C13.6013 14.2 13.2681 14.3376 13.022 14.5827C12.7734 14.8286 12.4378 14.9666 12.0881 14.9666C11.7384 14.9666 11.4028 14.8286 11.1542 14.5827L7.4333 10.8617C7.18737 10.6131 7.04942 10.2776 7.04942 9.92786C7.04942 9.57816 7.18737 9.24258 7.4333 8.99398C7.67834 8.74786 7.81593 8.4147 7.81593 8.0674C7.81593 7.7201 7.67834 7.38694 7.4333 7.14082L5.18615 4.80612C4.93757 4.56018 4.60199 4.42224 4.25228 4.42224C3.90258 4.42224 3.567 4.56018 3.3184 4.80612L2.76391 5.36061C2.11663 5.98812 1.70413 6.81863 1.59525 7.71355C1.48637 8.60848 1.68771 9.51367 2.16565 10.2781C4.71007 14.0556 7.96038 17.3058 11.7379 19.8503Z" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M20.4334 5.41371H16.4237C16.25 5.41371 16.1094 5.27299 16.1094 5.0994C16.1094 5.02328 16.137 4.94973 16.1871 4.89243L19.0473 1.62367C19.1038 1.55912 19.1853 1.52209 19.2711 1.52209C19.4354 1.52209 19.5685 1.65526 19.5685 1.81953V6.71091" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M13.7014 6.71091H10.2422V5.97383C10.2422 5.45845 10.5473 4.99196 11.0194 4.78539L12.9443 3.94326C13.4042 3.74205 13.7014 3.28765 13.7014 2.78565C13.7014 2.08781 13.1357 1.52209 12.4378 1.52209H11.5394C10.9746 1.52209 10.4941 1.88307 10.316 2.3869" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

24/7 Guest Services

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Our Guest Experience Team works 24/7, and their average response time to guest messages and calls is less than 10 minutes. This helps our listings rank higher online than competitors and get you more bookings.

<svg width="23" height="23" viewBox="0 0 23 23" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_1_1589)"> <path d="M0 12.1624L11.1625 0.999939L22.325 12.1624" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M3.43359 8.72778V19.8903H18.8893V8.72778" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M11.7718 9.1762L12.6299 10.9828C12.6495 11.0287 12.6802 11.0684 12.719 11.098C12.7578 11.1277 12.8034 11.1462 12.8512 11.1517L14.7457 11.4443C14.8006 11.4517 14.8523 11.4752 14.8948 11.512C14.9373 11.5489 14.969 11.5976 14.9859 11.6525C15.0029 11.7074 15.0045 11.7662 14.9907 11.822C14.9769 11.8778 14.948 11.9284 14.9076 11.9678L13.5421 13.3804C13.5073 13.4144 13.4811 13.4569 13.466 13.5041C13.4509 13.5513 13.4474 13.6016 13.4557 13.6506L13.785 15.6373C13.7945 15.6944 13.7885 15.7531 13.7676 15.8068C13.7467 15.8605 13.7118 15.907 13.6668 15.9411C13.6218 15.9751 13.5685 15.9952 13.5131 15.9993C13.4577 16.0033 13.4022 15.991 13.3532 15.9637L11.6476 15.0238C11.604 15.0015 11.556 14.9899 11.5073 14.9899C11.4586 14.9899 11.4106 15.0015 11.367 15.0238L9.66141 15.9637C9.61234 15.991 9.55694 16.0033 9.5015 15.9993C9.44607 15.9952 9.39282 15.9751 9.34783 15.9411C9.30284 15.907 9.26791 15.8605 9.24701 15.8068C9.22612 15.7531 9.22009 15.6944 9.22962 15.6373L9.55886 13.6281C9.5672 13.5791 9.56367 13.5287 9.54859 13.4816C9.53351 13.4344 9.50735 13.3919 9.4725 13.3579L8.09078 11.9678C8.04991 11.9273 8.02116 11.8753 8.00802 11.8182C7.99489 11.761 7.99793 11.7011 8.01678 11.6457C8.03563 11.5903 8.06948 11.5418 8.11423 11.5061C8.15897 11.4703 8.2127 11.4489 8.2689 11.4443L10.1634 11.1517C10.2112 11.1462 10.2568 11.1277 10.2956 11.098C10.3344 11.0684 10.3651 11.0287 10.3847 10.9828L11.2428 9.1762C11.2662 9.12358 11.3035 9.07903 11.3504 9.04781C11.3972 9.01659 11.4517 9 11.5073 9C11.5629 9 11.6174 9.01659 11.6642 9.04781C11.7111 9.07903 11.7484 9.12358 11.7718 9.1762Z" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_1_1589"> <rect width="23" height="23" fill="currentcolor"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Zodiak Housekeeping Team

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We hire our own Housekeeping team and hold them accountable with SuperHost level KPIs and service achievement bonuses. To double-check quality, a Manager or Supervisor will do an additional inspection after every clean.

And Peace of Mind for You

<svg width="23" height="23" viewBox="0 0 23 23" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M21.4154 16.8393V19.8903C21.4154 20.2949 21.2546 20.683 20.9686 20.969C20.6825 21.255 20.2945 21.4158 19.8899 21.4158H16.8389" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M16.8389 1.58417H19.8899C20.2945 1.58417 20.6825 1.74489 20.9686 2.03098C21.2546 2.31707 21.4154 2.70508 21.4154 3.10968V6.1607" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.58398 6.1607V3.10968C1.58398 2.70508 1.74471 2.31707 2.0308 2.03098C2.31689 1.74489 2.7049 1.58417 3.10949 1.58417H6.16052" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M6.16052 21.4158H3.10949C2.7049 21.4158 2.31689 21.255 2.0308 20.969C1.74471 20.683 1.58398 20.2949 1.58398 19.8903V16.8393" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M11.4992 10.7372C13.1843 10.7372 14.5503 9.37122 14.5503 7.6862C14.5503 6.00118 13.1843 4.63519 11.4992 4.63519C9.81421 4.63519 8.44824 6.00118 8.44824 7.6862C8.44824 9.37122 9.81421 10.7372 11.4992 10.7372Z" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M17.3015 17.6022C16.9073 16.3731 16.1331 15.3011 15.0904 14.5405C14.0478 13.7799 12.7905 13.3701 11.4998 13.3701C10.2092 13.3701 8.95193 13.7799 7.90924 14.5405C6.86655 15.3011 6.09236 16.3731 5.69824 17.6022H17.3015Z" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>


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We have an exhaustive guest vetting procedure which helps us reduce the chance of an unwanted guest at your property. Only once guests have completed their online check-in and their identity has been verified do we give them access to the keys.

<svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3_3245)"> <path d="M12.9852 7.34693C14.4805 7.34693 15.9145 7.94091 16.9717 8.99819C18.029 10.0555 18.623 11.4895 18.623 12.9847C18.6266 14.0945 18.2985 15.18 17.6811 16.102L18.623 18.6224L15.4526 18.052C14.6901 18.4239 13.8536 18.6189 13.0053 18.6224C12.157 18.626 11.3189 18.438 10.5533 18.0727C9.78771 17.7074 9.11445 17.1739 8.58368 16.5122C8.05291 15.8505 7.6783 15.0775 7.48778 14.2509C7.29727 13.4243 7.29573 12.5653 7.48331 11.738C7.6709 10.9107 8.04275 10.1364 8.57116 9.47282C9.09957 8.80921 9.77093 8.27341 10.5352 7.90533C11.2995 7.53724 12.137 7.34637 12.9852 7.34693Z" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M13.7943 4.04396C12.901 2.90721 11.6754 2.07731 10.2883 1.66979C8.90114 1.26227 7.42144 1.29742 6.05522 1.77034C4.689 2.24327 3.50425 3.13043 2.6659 4.30831C1.82755 5.48617 1.37735 6.89616 1.37796 8.34191C1.37385 9.7162 1.78034 11.0604 2.5453 12.2021L1.37796 15.3061L4.1902 14.8021" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_3_3245"> <rect width="20" height="20" fill="currentcolor"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Client Communications

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We pride ourselves on excellent and fast communication as we understand your time is valuable. All clients are invited to a private WhatsApp group, and our team is reachable by you or a building manager 24/7 in case of emergencies.

<svg width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3_3492)"> <path d="M19.5544 12.5542V15.375C19.5544 15.5597 19.481 15.7369 19.3505 15.8675C19.2198 15.998 19.0427 16.0714 18.858 16.0714H2.14369C1.95899 16.0714 1.78185 15.998 1.65125 15.8675C1.52064 15.7369 1.44727 15.5597 1.44727 15.375V4.23213C1.44727 4.04743 1.52064 3.87028 1.65125 3.73969C1.78185 3.60908 1.95899 3.53571 2.14369 3.53571H7.07576" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M9.1077 16.0714L7.71484 19.5536" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M11.8945 16.0714L13.2874 19.5536" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M6.32227 19.5536H14.6794" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M15.0584 1.65989L16.2227 4.00202C16.2487 4.06126 16.29 4.11253 16.3423 4.15059C16.3946 4.18864 16.4561 4.21212 16.5205 4.21864L19.1063 4.61126C19.1803 4.62087 19.2499 4.65135 19.3072 4.69911C19.3644 4.74685 19.4069 4.80992 19.4296 4.88093C19.4523 4.95192 19.4544 5.02793 19.4355 5.10005C19.4167 5.17218 19.3775 5.23742 19.3229 5.28817L17.414 7.10231C17.3856 7.15662 17.3707 7.21702 17.3707 7.27832C17.3707 7.33963 17.3856 7.40002 17.414 7.45432L17.7796 10.0266C17.7952 10.101 17.7888 10.1782 17.7614 10.2491C17.7339 10.3199 17.6866 10.3813 17.6249 10.4257C17.5633 10.4701 17.4901 10.4957 17.4143 10.4994C17.3384 10.503 17.263 10.4846 17.1974 10.4463L14.8959 9.22784C14.8364 9.20093 14.7718 9.18702 14.7064 9.18702C14.641 9.18702 14.5764 9.20093 14.5168 9.22784L12.2153 10.4463C12.1497 10.4846 12.0744 10.503 11.9985 10.4994C11.9226 10.4957 11.8494 10.4701 11.7878 10.4257C11.7262 10.3813 11.6788 10.3199 11.6513 10.2491C11.6239 10.1782 11.6176 10.101 11.6331 10.0266L12.0664 7.45432C12.085 7.39462 12.0886 7.33123 12.0768 7.26981C12.065 7.2084 12.0381 7.15086 11.9987 7.10231L10.0898 5.27464C10.0391 5.22335 10.0036 5.15911 9.98705 5.08895C9.9705 5.01881 9.97358 4.94546 9.99595 4.87695C10.0183 4.80843 10.0591 4.7474 10.1139 4.70054C10.1686 4.65367 10.2352 4.62278 10.3064 4.61126L12.8922 4.23218C12.9566 4.22566 13.0181 4.20218 13.0704 4.16412C13.1227 4.12607 13.164 4.0748 13.1901 4.01556L14.3544 1.67343C14.3855 1.60712 14.4346 1.55086 14.4961 1.511C14.5575 1.47114 14.6289 1.44927 14.7021 1.44786C14.7754 1.44645 14.8475 1.46556 14.9105 1.50303C14.9734 1.5405 15.0247 1.59483 15.0584 1.65989Z" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_3_3492"> <rect width="21" height="21" fill="currentcolor"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Quality Tech Stack

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We invest only in the best software to help us manage your property, giving you the benefit of smooth operations and no costly mistakes such as double bookings or missed cleans. We have even built our own reporting software which allows us to create accurate monthly reports and process client earnings at the start of every month - on time, every time.

<svg width="19" height="19" viewBox="0 0 19 19" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3_3481)"> <path d="M16.431 1.30869H2.5688C1.87281 1.30869 1.30859 1.8729 1.30859 2.56889V16.4311C1.30859 17.1271 1.87281 17.6913 2.5688 17.6913H16.431C17.1271 17.6913 17.6912 17.1271 17.6912 16.4311V2.56889C17.6912 1.8729 17.1271 1.30869 16.431 1.30869Z" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.30859 5.08929H17.6912" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M5.71875 12.0204L8.23916 13.9107L12.6499 8.8699" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_3_3481"> <rect width="19" height="19" fill="currentcolor"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Zodiak Booking Website

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We use all major online booking platforms such as Airbnb, Booking.com, Expedia, VRBO, Homes and Villas by Marriott, Trip.com, and many more for maximum exposure. Our own direct booking website generates even more demand on top of this only for Zodiak’s properties, resulting in higher nightly rates compared to competitors.

<svg width="17" height="24" viewBox="0 0 17 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M12.9016 9.32V5.4752C12.9151 4.47886 12.5749 3.51002 11.9414 2.74082C11.308 1.97163 10.4224 1.45191 9.442 1.274C8.84803 1.17405 8.23941 1.2048 7.65854 1.36409C7.07767 1.52339 6.53851 1.8074 6.07861 2.19636C5.61872 2.58532 5.24915 3.06986 4.99565 3.61623C4.74216 4.16261 4.61082 4.75768 4.6108 5.36V9.32M15.4216 23H2.08C1.79357 23 1.51886 22.8862 1.31632 22.6837C1.11378 22.4811 1 22.2064 1 21.92V10.7492C1 10.4628 1.11378 10.1881 1.31632 9.98553C1.51886 9.78299 1.79357 9.6692 2.08 9.6692H15.4216C15.708 9.6692 15.9827 9.78299 16.1853 9.98553C16.3878 10.1881 16.5016 10.4628 16.5016 10.7492V21.9308C16.4988 22.2154 16.3837 22.4873 16.1815 22.6875C15.9793 22.8877 15.7062 23 15.4216 23ZM8.9308 15.44C8.8596 15.44 8.79 15.4611 8.7308 15.5007C8.67159 15.5402 8.62545 15.5965 8.5982 15.6622C8.57096 15.728 8.56383 15.8004 8.57772 15.8702C8.59161 15.9401 8.62589 16.0042 8.67624 16.0546C8.72659 16.1049 8.79073 16.1392 8.86057 16.1531C8.9304 16.167 9.00278 16.1598 9.06857 16.1326C9.13435 16.1054 9.19057 16.0592 9.23013 16C9.26969 15.9408 9.2908 15.8712 9.2908 15.8C9.2908 15.7045 9.25287 15.613 9.18536 15.5454C9.11785 15.4779 9.02628 15.44 8.9308 15.44ZM8.9308 16.79L8.3908 18.68H9.4708L8.9308 16.79Z" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-width="0.96" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Digital Lockboxes

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We have invested in the best digital lockboxes on the market to make sure the keys to your most valuable asset remain safe. This allows us to track when keys are taken by who by assigning unique pin codes for every different guest. We only hand out key codes to guests once they’ve gone through our security vetting process and had their identity verified.

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Experienced Team with
Proven Results

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Over $20M earned for clients; 75% occupancy rate on average throughout the year; 30-50% higher rental income on average after all fees compared to long-term rental; industry experts and respected brand in the NZ short-term rental space.

Onboarding Process

Onboarding Process

We’ve streamlined the onboarding process to get your listing live as soon as possible and start building 5 star reviews from day one. Once your property is furnished, we’ll pick up the keys and have your listing bookable on multiple platforms within 7 working days or less.

What we do for you:
  • Pick up the keys
  • Initial inspection
  • Cleanliness and maintenance inspection
  • Setup clean with deep clean and/or carpet clean if required
  • Staging check
  • Real estate photography
  • Listing creation and SEO write up
  • Guest manual creation
  • Pricing set for target occupancy rate
  • Open the calendar and go live!

Zodiak Guarantee

If we don’t perform and get you bookings, then we don’t get paid. We align ourselves with your goals which keeps us working hard every day.

To back this up, we guarantee you’ll get your first booking within just 7 days of going live or we’ll book it ourselves!

And, to show we are committed to your success, if you’re not happy with our service during the agreement term, then we can end the management early, no questions asked.*

*(Ts and Cs apply).

Zodiak Guarantee
Need Help Furnishing Your Property?

Need Help Furnishing Your Property?

We work with interior design experts that can help your property stand out from the crowd resulting in more demand and higher prices for your online listing compared to competitors…and, no stressful shopping for you.

We can furnish your property from vacant or just bring in the items you’re currently missing to get it ready for short-term rental.

Click the button below and send us an email for more information.

Our Security

Most management companies allow guests to pick up your key from a manual lockbox on the street. This poses an enormous security risk and building managers remove these lockboxes without warning for good reason. They can also be broken into quite easily which is why we use a much more secure method instead.

At Zodiak, we have central check-in stations located around Auckland where guests can pick up their keys before arriving to the property 24/7. Guests cannot access the keys without receiving the code to get into the check-in station first, keeping the keys to your asset safe and secure.

Furthermore, the digital lockboxes we use allow us to set a unique pincode for every guest eliminating the chance of a previous guest coming back and accessing your keys without a booking.

We also employ check-in staff that can offer guests a personal concierge check-in as an optional service, and we use other self check-in methods depending on your property and location to ensure a smooth check-in process for guests.

Guests are only given access to the keys once they have passed our strict vetting procedure which includes completing an online check-in form, signing a rental agreement with full house rules including fines if house rules are broken, providing valid IDs, a security deposit, potential fraud scan of their credit card and contact information, and answering any other questions we may have. We also read through guest’s previous Airbnb reviews to make sure they are all positive and can have a reservation cancelled if required.

Our Security
Our Technology

Our Technology

We know that your time is valuable. With this in-mind, we employ as much technology as possible in the industry to streamline operations and ensure we eliminate any involvement on your part in the management process.

Our in-house reporting software allows for accurate monthly reports showing full breakdowns of every reservation, earnings paid out on the 1st business day of every month without fail, and accurate analytics allowing you to have a full picture of your property performance on an ongoing basis.

The pricing software we use allows for daily pricing adjustments based on actual demand for individual dates, accounting for very high demand dates such as public holidays, concerts and events automatically. The pricing updates every 24 hours which helps your listing rank higher in the online search results, and we manually revise the pricing almost daily to make sure we hit the target occupancy rate for your property. We do this without fail.

We never miss a clean, inspection or maintenance task by using a task management software that helps us smoothen our operations even at scale. Guests are also sent an online check-in form that they need to complete and a rental agreement that they must sign before they can check-in.

We have handpicked the best management software for short-term rental through trial and error over the years. The software we choose to invest in is the best in the industry and we can bring this, combined with our extensive experience of the short-term rental market, to you guaranteeing your success.

Our Results

Total income earned for clients

Over $30,000,000

Average occupancy rate

77% on average over the year

Average client’s performance

30-50% more income than long-term rental rate after all fees

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Our Pricing

The best property management product on the market. We turn your property into a hands-free investment and only charge when we earn you bookings. Increase your rental income by 50-100% after fees with us starting today.

See Pricing


How much more could I expect to earn when compared to long-term rental?

Black Arrow Dwon

Accommodation prices vary during the year. During the high season, (November through to the end of March), accommodation prices are generally very high and you can expect to easily be earning 60 – 100% more than usual rental rates. In low season (from April until the end of October), you can still expect to be making slightly more than usual rental rates after costs. Check out our Airbnb Calculator for an estimate or get in touch for a more accurate property assessment of your apartment.

What are the benefits of short term rental?

Black Arrow Dwon

There are many benefits to renting your apartment on the short-term rental market besides the increased income:
By having the property constantly cleaned and inspected after every stay, your investment will be much better maintained and wear and tear will be greatly reduced. Any problems will be spotted and fixed before they become a major issue, and all of this will be taken care of for you by us. Another benefit is that guests treat the property with much better care than a regular tenant usually does. This is because they want to maintain a good relationship with us (their hosts) as they are also looking for a great review from us. Furthermore, the constant turnover of guests will mean that there is no such thing as a nightmare tenant that you’re locked into an agreement with for an extended period. Any guests not obeying the house rules set out in the guest manual can be asked to leave and fined for not following the rules.

What kind of occupancy rate can I expect?

Black Arrow Dwon

We aim for an 85% occupancy rate for the entire year and this is very achievable. In high season, occupancy rates sky-rocket to above 90% as well so this more than makes up for the lower income received in the low season.

Where is best for short-term rental?

Black Arrow Dwon

Most suburbs work well but the best performing suburbs are the CBD and the surrounding central suburbs as there are a lot of business travellers that come here, as well as tourists (local and international). Besides the location, the most important aspect is the quality of the property so this is why we manage only above-average properties. If you’d like a list of the best performing CBD apartment buildings for short-term rental for free to help you purchase the right property for Airbnb, then send us an email to sales@zodiak.co.nz.

What’s the tourism industry like in New Zealand?

Black Arrow Dwon

Tourism was NZ’s fastest growing and largest export industry pre-Covid (worth $40.9 billion), and NZ’s second biggest industry overall (behind dairy). This shows you the massive potential the industry has, and it will most likely continue to grow after it has fully recovered from the Covid impact (at the end of FY22, the tourism industry was worth $26.5 billion).

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Book a 30 Minute Consultation

Book your initial consultation with one of the team now, and we can walk you through the benefits of listing your property with us on the short-term rental market. We’re looking forward to helping you achieve your property goals soon!

We will be in touch with you within 1 business day.

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With Zodiak, 
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