Pets at your Airbnb: pros and cons

Whether you’re a pet-lover or not, if you’re an Airbnb owner then you should be considering whether or not to allow pets to stay. There are plenty of reasons for and against allowing pets, but ultimately you decide what best suits your property. So let's jump right in with the positives!
Less competition
It iscommon knowledge that less Airbnb properties cater to pets, and this isespecially true for Auckland city! If you look around at the number of dogwalkers walking in the street at any given moment, you’ll see that allowingpets could drum up some serious business. This also comes with its perks too.
Increased profit
Petowners should, and usually expect, to pay more when they bring their pet to arental. This means that you could end up with more money for the same orsimilar output. Many Airbnb joints that cater to pets will charge an additionalfee, or have an increased security deposit. And with dog kennels costing asmuch as $45 a night, we’re sure plenty of pet owners would be interested in anAirbnb stay.
More occupants
When youallow pet owners and pets a place stay, this means that you will open yourselfup to a whole new market! Because there is less competition, it also means thatyou can charge higher rates and expect those rates to be met with increasedbookings. Ca-ching!
Becausethere are fewer Airbnbs that allow pets, this could lead to some serious puppylove! And by that, I mean a 5-star review.
Many dogsare quiet and well behaved, but some dogs are prone to barking their heads offat the tiniest inkling, and this is sure to drive your neighbours crazy. Dogsalso tend to bark more when they are bored, lonely, or cooped up, so this couldbe a serious issue depending on where your property is located.
Someespecially naughty pets may enjoy clawing or chewing furniture, or even those$400 shoes from Venice that you accidentally left under your bed. This concernis also increased when dogs are anxious about being in a new place.
Sometimesdogs like to make the place their own. If you open up your property to dogs, itdoes mean you could encounter the occasional incident. Or if you're unlucky,you may be faced with that one crazy dog that likes to poop everywhere. Thismeans that you will need to be prepared and work out a place for dog owners totake their dogs when duty calls. It would also be a great idea to have a bucketof cleaning supplies that they can use, just in case!
Petallergies are relatively common, and even after a thorough clean and vacuum,there could still be a stray hair or two left behind that could cause anallergic reaction. However, most people with pet allergies would probably notconsider staying at your Airbnb if they knew pets were allowed and so thiscould drive away a market of people with pet allergies.
After weighing up this list of pros and cons, you should be able to make a well-informed decision that suits your lifestyle. However, if you do decide to allow pets to stay, it is important to work out rules and discuss them with the owners before the pets come to stay. In this way, you can avoid any potential mishaps and create a pet-friendly environment!